Tuesday, 10 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 and Day 10
I also stitched him some more on Day 8 instead of starting Day 8's Project, simply because Day 8 is a UFO and all that's left to do is add the dreadful backstitch lol
So here is White Lightning after 16 hours and 50 minutes worth of stitching.
I am not going to post Day 9's Project as I didn't make much progress with it, after having to reverse some stitching lol
Day 10's Project is 'Dalek Victory'.
I got quite a bit done on this, so after 7 hours and 5 minutes worth of stitching the first arms of one colour, this is what it looks like:
Friday, 6 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 4, Day 5 and Day 6
Day 5, I was feeling ill so I didn't do any stitching, but that project is a WIP anywyas so that's not too bad.
And Day 6's project, I seemed to have screwed it up when I started it, and I only realised after I spent a further 5 hours on it last night! Grrr so I will run out of thread on that one, as I was supposed to use one thread and not two. As it was a freebie kit from a magazine I am hoping to pick one up from eBay and just restart it rather than unpick all the work I have done already, then maybe I can find some matching thread to finish this mistaked version off at a later date!
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 3
Day 3 is 'Retrievers'.
I started this on 14th January 2005 and I probably did 6 months worth of stitching on it, back then I had limited access to the net, so I actually had more time to stitch back then lol
Anyways this is what it looked like the last time I touched it, I just hope those coffee stains come out after I have washed it when I am finished with it!
And this is what it looks like after about 1 hour of stitching, not much but it is a start.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
So I will kick off with the Cross Stitch Crazy's 2012 Challenge!
The Challenge is: Begin one project a day for the first 15 days of 2012 and then finish them throughout the year. Must be completed by 2013
So I only just discovered this challenge and I am 3 days behind but it sounded like a good challenge to get me motivated in to finishing some UFO's & WIP's I have! I know for a fact that there is no way I will finish 15 projects in one year but I am okay with that!
I decided to use the first few days for projects that are 'almost' finished, seeing as I am a couple of days behind already.
DAY 1: Born Free's Tiger and Cub - The very first 'BIG' cross stitch that I started about 9 years ago! (Approx 32,000 Stitches)
DAY 2: Elephant - This is more or less finished, I made a mistake on the background, I used just one thread instead of two, so the entire background just needs to be unpicked and re-stitched.
DAY 3: Retrievers - This one is probaly 50% finished, so there is a good chance of me totally finishing this one, this year.
DAY 4: Secret - This one is going to be a gift for someone for Christmas 2012 so I can't really post the details here yet, pics can be seen in my album as I have it blocked from that person :D
DAY 5: Coronation Street: Now and Then - This was a freebie for subscribing to WOXS, and I really would like to finish it this year.
DAY 6: Piglet - A freebie kit with a magazine.
DAY 7: White Lightning - Bought this years ago and only managed one stitch before putting it away lol I really would like to get it done though as it's such a lovely design.
DAY 8: Me to You: Tatty Teddy, A Flower for You - I started this about 5 years ago as a Mother's Day gift but all the stupid backstitch put me off.
DAY 9: Hilda's Flying Ducks - A tapestry kit but it's basically the same, you just use half cross stitches instead.
DAY 10: Dalek Victory - No picture available yet.
DAY 11: Christmas Kisses - A freebie kit from a magazine.
DAY 12: Peacock - A magazine chart.
DAY 13: Silent Flight - A kit I bought to stitch in memory of my brother.
DAY 15: Winter on the Green - I was sent this by mistake when I subscribed to WOXS. It's not really my type of thing, and I did try selling it but no one was biting on eBay, so I suppose it will be okay to display at Christmas.

I would also like to do something to celebrate the Olympics being in London this year so I might have to find something suitable and slot it in somehow later ;)