Cross Stitch Nut Jo
Sunday, 19 February 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 11, Day 12 and Day 13
Stitched over several days, not finished yet because the thread in the kit was terrible and I ran out of some light green so I am looking to replace it.
20 hours and 25 minutes worth of stitching.
Day 12's Project is 'Peacock'.
I think I may have made a tiny mistake on this so I will have to un-stitch some of the border going down the left hand side grrrr.
2 hours and 40 minutes worth of stitching.
Day 13's Project is 'Silent Flight'.
This was stitched over several days. Very pleased with the progress made so far.
43 hours and 10 minutes worth of stitching.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 7, Day 8, Day 9 and Day 10
I also stitched him some more on Day 8 instead of starting Day 8's Project, simply because Day 8 is a UFO and all that's left to do is add the dreadful backstitch lol
So here is White Lightning after 16 hours and 50 minutes worth of stitching.
I am not going to post Day 9's Project as I didn't make much progress with it, after having to reverse some stitching lol
Day 10's Project is 'Dalek Victory'.
I got quite a bit done on this, so after 7 hours and 5 minutes worth of stitching the first arms of one colour, this is what it looks like:
Friday, 6 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 4, Day 5 and Day 6
Day 5, I was feeling ill so I didn't do any stitching, but that project is a WIP anywyas so that's not too bad.
And Day 6's project, I seemed to have screwed it up when I started it, and I only realised after I spent a further 5 hours on it last night! Grrr so I will run out of thread on that one, as I was supposed to use one thread and not two. As it was a freebie kit from a magazine I am hoping to pick one up from eBay and just restart it rather than unpick all the work I have done already, then maybe I can find some matching thread to finish this mistaked version off at a later date!
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
CSCC 2012 - Day 3
Day 3 is 'Retrievers'.
I started this on 14th January 2005 and I probably did 6 months worth of stitching on it, back then I had limited access to the net, so I actually had more time to stitch back then lol
Anyways this is what it looked like the last time I touched it, I just hope those coffee stains come out after I have washed it when I am finished with it!
And this is what it looks like after about 1 hour of stitching, not much but it is a start.
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
So I will kick off with the Cross Stitch Crazy's 2012 Challenge!
The Challenge is: Begin one project a day for the first 15 days of 2012 and then finish them throughout the year. Must be completed by 2013
So I only just discovered this challenge and I am 3 days behind but it sounded like a good challenge to get me motivated in to finishing some UFO's & WIP's I have! I know for a fact that there is no way I will finish 15 projects in one year but I am okay with that!
I decided to use the first few days for projects that are 'almost' finished, seeing as I am a couple of days behind already.
DAY 1: Born Free's Tiger and Cub - The very first 'BIG' cross stitch that I started about 9 years ago! (Approx 32,000 Stitches)
DAY 2: Elephant - This is more or less finished, I made a mistake on the background, I used just one thread instead of two, so the entire background just needs to be unpicked and re-stitched.
DAY 3: Retrievers - This one is probaly 50% finished, so there is a good chance of me totally finishing this one, this year.
DAY 4: Secret - This one is going to be a gift for someone for Christmas 2012 so I can't really post the details here yet, pics can be seen in my album as I have it blocked from that person :D
DAY 5: Coronation Street: Now and Then - This was a freebie for subscribing to WOXS, and I really would like to finish it this year.
DAY 6: Piglet - A freebie kit with a magazine.
DAY 7: White Lightning - Bought this years ago and only managed one stitch before putting it away lol I really would like to get it done though as it's such a lovely design.
DAY 8: Me to You: Tatty Teddy, A Flower for You - I started this about 5 years ago as a Mother's Day gift but all the stupid backstitch put me off.
DAY 9: Hilda's Flying Ducks - A tapestry kit but it's basically the same, you just use half cross stitches instead.
DAY 10: Dalek Victory - No picture available yet.
DAY 11: Christmas Kisses - A freebie kit from a magazine.
DAY 12: Peacock - A magazine chart.
DAY 13: Silent Flight - A kit I bought to stitch in memory of my brother.
DAY 15: Winter on the Green - I was sent this by mistake when I subscribed to WOXS. It's not really my type of thing, and I did try selling it but no one was biting on eBay, so I suppose it will be okay to display at Christmas.

I would also like to do something to celebrate the Olympics being in London this year so I might have to find something suitable and slot it in somehow later ;)